I installed the MGB Guitars, single pickup you see above, designed for single stringers and it sounds wonderful. Usually my wife hollers at me to turn it down when I tweak up a new build Cigar Box Guitar or electric Diddley bow or what ever but not this time! She came back to my work space and said "WOW! That sounds great what is that you are playing?" (I was using a slide)......
You may ask now, what could you compare the sound to?
Well in my opinion the closest thing I have ever heard to compare it to is this video on You Tube check this out.... "Amazing Grace" Performance on a One-String Diddley Bow by Justin Johnson.
I was able to duplicate the sound. Check it out. For sure you will have to practice a but to be as good as Justin Johnson but believe me this little single pole, single coil pickup will do the trick!! Try one, you will then believe it. .If you do you will come back for more !!!! RayMan in Texas